
July 28, 2020


The Ministry of Health, working with the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has recently developed updated guidelines to support visits between family members and residents of long-term care homes and assisted living facilities. Our priority is protecting residents, so we are taking a cautious and phased approach. Under these new guidelines, residents will be able to visit in-person with one family member or friend. 

  • As per attached is a letter updating the guidelines to support visits and the poster provided by the BC Ministry of Health regarding Social visiting guidelines for Long Term Care and Assisted Living facilities.
  • We are proud to announce that we have added a new staff member, Jane Boutilier, to our Morgan Heights team to accommodate more family visits.
  • Face Time visits. To arrange Face Time visits, please email Megan McGrath (Recreation Manager) at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. call 604-535-1118 ext. 110 or 351
  • Please read the attached letter regarding visits. The specifics, including timings, will be available through our recreation department. We do thank you for all of your support and patience, but please do understand the challenges presented by this rapidly evolving situation and this may lead to patio visits temporary stopped.
  • Our recreation team has been creative in planning activities to allow social distancing.
  • Walks and talk (inside and outside), Exercise, Shuffle board, Coloring and crafts, Reading, Music with Megan
  • FaceTime and patio visits may not benefit all families, we have found that a way of keeping in touch has been for families to send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our staff will print it out and read with your loved one.
  • The thorough sanitizing procedure that has been put in place for all essential items and supplies that have been dropped off for the residents will continue as follows;
  • We have staff on from 10:00am to 4:00pm to help with drop-off packages, please be sure to drop off during this time only. Staff will not be able to guarantee to support drop off after 4pm as they will be busy with residents.
  • Please do not drop off any unpackaged food, flowers or plants
  • Please remember to ensure that all such items must be commercially packaged with non-porous material so that we are able to disinfect before bringing given items to the neighbourhood. 
  • We strongly encourage you to bring essential items only.
  • There are two bins between the double doors at the front entrance, please leave your items labelled in a disposable bag in one of the bins, and buzz reception to let us know that items have been dropped off.
  • With the effect of long-term care and assisted living restrictions, the services of Footcare and the Hair salon have been temporarily closed. The Residence at Morgan Heights has waived the Administration fee for those who have Comfort Funds for the months of April, May, June and August 2020. The care staff and recreation team have been working with our residents to be extra supportive knowing we are without these services.
  • The staff at The Residence at Morgan Heights are confined to work strictly at our facility.
  • We have successfully completed two Infection Control audits by the Fraser Health Authority Infection Control and Facilities Licensing.
  • More hands free sanitization stations have been placed throughout the building. Also the filters in our extensive air filtering systems have all been replaced.
  • Please note that weekly updates and safety measures are also posted on our Home Page of our website: http://morganheights.com/

Staff, residents, families and volunteers very much become like one big family, we are all missing those families and volunteers, but we are making the best of it and supporting one another.  


If you have questions or concerns, please contact our Administrator, Amrinder Gill / 604-535-1118 x102 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We appreciate that you are cooperating with the guidelines that have been developed by the Ministry of Health to take the precautions to reduce the risk to you, your loved ones and our staff.

Please continue to stay safe,


July 28, 2020

The Ministry of Health,working with the Provincial Health Officer Dr.Bonnie Henry, has recently developed updated guidelines to support visits between family members and residents of long-term care homes and seniors' assisted living facilities. Under these new guidelines, residents will be able to visit in-person with one family member or friend.

Our priority is to protect our vulnerable residents, so we are taking a cautious and phased approach as we begin these visits. Residents will be able to visit with one designated family member or friend at this time until we receive the new guideline from the health authority.

In alignment with provincial guidelines, we are taking a number of precautions to ensure that visits can occur safely:

  • All visitors will be screened for signs and symptoms of illness, including COVID-19, prior to every visit. This includes temperature screening. You will not be able to come and visit i f you or the resident you are visiting are sick or have any COVID-19 symptoms.

  • When visiting, you will need to bring a mask and wear it for the duration of your visit.

  • Visits will occur in a designated room on the first floor of the care centre. All furniture and surfaces in

    the visiting area will be sanitized at the end of each visit to meet BC Centre for Disease Control


  • A distance of at least two metres from others, including the resident, must be maintained at all times.

  • Food, drink or gifts cannot be exchanged during the visit. These i t ems may be left at the main

    entrance for delivery to residents as per the essential items’ guidelines.

  • Residents will be able to see one person — a single, "designated" visitor — in a previously assigned

    designated area/s.We are proud to announce that we have added a new staff member to our team to accommodate more family visits in future.

    All visits must be booked in advance to allow for them to be conducted safely. To book a visit with your family member or friend, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or dial ext. 110.

    We continue to encourage families and friends to stay in touch with residents virtually and remotely.

    As British Columbia works to continue "flattening the curve”,we will continue to update the guidelines to ensurethehealthandsafetyofresidents,staff,andvisitors.Thankyouforyoursupportandunderstanding as we continue to provide your loved one with safe quality care.

    Amrinder Gill
    Encl. Poster: Social visiting guidelines for long term care and assisted living facilities

Services & Care

At The Residence at Morgan Heights seniors benefit from a client-centered approach which starts by identifying the individual needs of each senior.

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If you are inquiring about a resident care position with The Residence at Morgan Heights, please email or fax your resume to our administration office.

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Contact Us

The Residence at Morgan Heights
15955 27th Avenue, Surrey BC, V3Z 3W3 Canada
Phone: 604-535-1118 or 604-862-5302

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